ThorTicker: thor
C+Crypto Asset Rating
THOR provides a yield potential with a protocol that works. It efficiently aggregates return from protocol-owned liquidity with returns from DeFi protocols across many chains to allocate rewards and yield holders.
The current price of Thor is $1.77 a INCREASE of 0.91% from yesterday’s price.
In December 2021 the price of Thor reached an all-time high of $449.05. Alternatively the coin traded at an all time low of $1.13 in July 2022.
Thor Price Prediction
Short Term Price Target
$.12 |
$2.11 |
Long Term Price Target
$26.94 |
$118.04 |
Current Price: $1.77
What is Thor Short Term Price Estimate?
The Thor price is expected to trade between .12 and 2.11 in the upcoming 3-6 month period.
What is the Thor Long term price estimate?
The Thor price estimate for 2025 is expected to be between 26.94 and 118.04
How are price predictions made?
The Digital Farmland team has used predictive algorithms to determine the price predictions based on a unique combination of financial technicals and social sentiment signals. These are highly speculative and you should do your own research.
Analyst Ratings
--- C+
Digital Farmland analysts find that the overall fundamentals of Thor are strong. The team, professional communication, and online presence are good indicators that Thor Report and Price Prediction will be around for a long time.
Bears Say:
External factors such as social sentiment on CoinMarketcap, CoinGecko, or Twitter are lacking behind others in the space. It’s hard to see Thor succeed without seeing more external support.
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