What if there was an alternative method of mining cryptocurrency that didn’t require huge energy costs, and maybe actually helped the world at the same time?
Planet Watch is one of the tokens we have been mining at Digital Farmland.
This isn’t anything like your typical GPU crypto mining though.
After having a bit of success with the Helium protocol. We looked to see if there were any similar platforms that would allow earnings for providing something of value.
At the time, and still is, the project was gaining traction, but still has signs of being an unorganized and overhyped project.
When I first started mining with Planet Watch the token was trading around 10 cents.

Probably a little luck, but great timing getting into this project. As of January, 2022 $PLANETS is trading around .34 cents.
The owner of the project is regularly getting on calls and letting the community know about the next steps, challenges, and progress the team at Planet Watch was making.
How do you earn Planet Watch Tokens?
By delivering hyper-local air quality data in real-time you can earn $PLANET tokens.
This is done by using your phone’s GPS location and a Planet Watch sensor. The sensors are manufactured by a third-party source, and you’ll need to purchase a Planet Watch license to get started earning.
Interestingly enough capturing the air quality data was actually insightful for us as well, when we noticed at certain times of day we would have lower quality air in the office due to certain appliances running.

In our case not only were we earning $PLANETS by sharing our air quality data, but we found that humidity in the office could use some work as well!
How does Planet Watch Make Money?
Planet Watch earns from the air quality data that is provided in their marketplace.
At the moment it’s a bit unclear who is purchasing this air quality data, but I’m sure there is a market for it.

It should also be noted you have to purchase a license if you want to earn tokens.
A lot of their earnings seem to be coming from Planet Watch licenses as well. As of December 2021. Over $5m in license fees were collected.
Pros of Planet Watch:
- Mining Crypto with little energy costs
- Provides some value of monitoring air quality at your location.
- Relatively inexpensive and easy to get started
- Strong team and white paper documentation.
PlanetWatch concerns:
- Unclear if there is a market for decentralized air quality data
- Air quality sensors are bit difficult to keep running 24/7. (We have had some issues with Bluetooth connections)
- Scalability is limited. Only 1 sensor allowed per location.
How do I get started earning Planet Watch Crypto?
How do I get started earning Planet Watch Crypto?
Total Time: 3 hours
Purchase a qualifying device
These are selling out quickly. You can find the devices here.
There are a few different models. Type 1 is more expensive but will produce more $PLANETS per day.
I haven’t had great luck in the USA finding a type 1 for sale.
I’m on their email list and should send me an update once Type 1 devices are available.It is important to make sure you get the proper location devices as some of the air quality sensors will not work in the USA. While other are dedicated to their specific countries.
We purchased two of the Atmotube sensors for our testing. Which are type 4.
Each type has the ability to earn different amounts of Planet tokens.
type 1 = 133 planets per day
type 2 = 15 planets per day
type 3= 30 planets per day
type 4 = 23 planets per day -
Purchase a PlanetWatch license.
The type of license corresponds to the type of air quality sensor you purchased.
The type 4 Atmotube sensor would be a $42/ year license subscription.
You can see all license options here.
– Note: at the time we don’t recommend purchasing the license prior to the sensor.
For the type 1 sensors PlanetWatch recommends purchasing the license first. However, after purchasing the license months ago, we have yet to hear any communication around when or if these sensors would be available.
Get a compatible device
This is only if you are using the Atmotube. The Atmotube sensor must connect to a Bluetooth-enabled device at all times.
If your goal is to earn token rewards, you’ll need a separate device to have it running 24/7.
This Redditor put together a great guide on the type of device to use to maximize your token earnings.
They tested over 53 different Android devices for compatibility.
For the quick summary, you’ll want something with Android 10, Octacore, and 4gb RAM.
I ended up going with a cheap phone I found on eBay with those specs. It ended up costing me $44 before shipping.
You could always use a device you already have lying around. But I wanted to be sure I could run it 24/7 without any interruptions.
Set it all up
Between PlanetWatch and the Reddit guides. It’s a pretty straightforward set up process, so I’ll let them take over from here on set up.
*Don’t skip over the Bluetooth settings section, this is extremely important and will be what keeps your device from losing connection.
Estimated Cost: 350 USD
- Planet Watch License
- Planet Watch Device (ex. Atmotube)
- Dedicated phone/tablet to run 24/7
- You will also need a stable wifi connection
Planet Watch Latest Twitter Updates
Digital Farmland’s Planet Watch Strategy
Since Planet Watch is still growing and looks to be a promising project we continue to mine $PLANETS as a PlanetWatcher.
Due to the reliability of keeping the devices online, and difficulty in scaling (would not be easy to have multiple sensors across geographic locations). Our current strategy is to buy and hold.
In addition to holding we will soon be selling some tokens on a monthly basis to reinvest in other projects as well.